Bariguard To The Moon And Back

  • mudi
  • male
  • 1.10.2021 
  • 14kg
  • 47cm 
  • colour: fakó / valkoinen (e/e)
  • dog shows: 1 x BOB, 1 x Certificate 2x res-CAC 
  • Agility and also hoopers beginners 
  • imported from Hungary
  • PL 0/0 and again at 3y 0/0
  • eyes healthy (10/2022) 
  • lonkat / hips B/B
  • kyynärät / elbows 0/0
  • selkä / back LTV0, VA0, SP0 - healthy back
  • olat / shoulders, terve/terve - healthy/healthy

Snö is funny, sweet and social mudi boy with a good nervous system. He is very social to humans and likes every one and other dogs he gets along and likes, also other males but he faces unknown dogs very softly and that is great. 

He is quiet while training and a very quick learner - he is training like a border collie; first slow and then when he knows what to do - full speed! If he does not like something or he is suspicious of something he definitely will show that and when he knows no one will kill him (in mudi mind that can always be a risk, right?) he can always do it. Resting days are no problem for him. 

Sounds like thunder or fireworks he does not mind at all. He is definitely over all an easy mudi and very balanced. I couldn't wish for more of my second mudi, he is just perfect 💎
(maybe less charger cable chewing as a puppy, he chewed like 30 of those 🤭). He has not destroyed anything else though.

Snö has 2 litters planned for year 2025:

Spring/Summer 2025 

Kennel Hyberhyber

Autumn 2025

Kennel Ehdottomasti