FI, SE CH Dimaru's Unique Hondovonprazsk

- prague ratter
- male
- colour red
- short haired (carrier for long hair)
- 20-21 cm
- 2 kg
- 8.11.2021
- Eyes and heart sound healthy
- PL 0/0 and again at 3y 0/0
- ED 0/0, HD C/C
- Back LTV1, VA0, SP-free
- Eyes and heart tests coming up
- shows Fin Ch, Swe Ch
- training agility and hoopers beginners for fun
- imported from Sweden
He is a tiny dog with a HUGE attitude. He is hard from the head and not much willing to please but he has a great working attitude and also super nose. He has caught a mouse before and he would for sure kill even a rat I have absolutely no doubts on that. He can be anywhere with anyone like he'd been there before.
He can be rewarded with treats or toy and he truly has a great appetite. He gets along in a male pack very well, Yon does not fight with others but will tell if he doesn't like something. He loves running around the yard with the other small guys but also loves dog walks and his passion is sniffing around all the smells 🤭