FI, SE CH Dimaru's Unique Hondovonprazsk
- prague ratter
- male
- colour red
- short haired (carrier for long hair)
- 20-21 cm
- 2 kg
- 8.11.2021
- Eyes and heart sound healthy
- PL 0/0 and again at 3y 0/0
- ED 0/0, HD C/C
- Back LTV1, VA0, SP-free
- Eyes and heart tests coming up
- shows Fin Ch, Swe Ch
- training agility
- imported from Sweden and co-owned with the breeder
He is a tiny dog with a HUGE attitude. He is hard from the head and not much willing to please but he has a great working attitude and also super nose. He has caught a mouse before and he would for sure kill even a rat I have absolutely no doubts on that. He can be anywhere with anyone and fears absolutely nothing.